What began as a simple step-by-step slideshow became an interactive learning experience at Chop Shop Studio. Techniques like woodblock printing, etching, lithography, and screen printing are presented as engaging processes. Users can either grab the tools to try the steps themselves or click through to watch each stage animate in real-time.
Here is a link to the live site: On However, it is most likely no longer hosted correctly and even with newer plug-ins that help bring Flash embeds back to life, most of this no longer works.
““As a design educator, I am constantly having to explain to students the differences in various production techniques. I also need to be able to distinguish advantages that online communications have over traditional print media. This excellent site allows me to kill two birds with one stone.” ”
Awards & Honors
The project received numerous awards, including Flash Forward, Communication Arts, and The One Show. Even today, instructors and websites focused on these printing techniques continue to link to it and use it as a resource to educate future print artists.
Physical Kiosk
The kiosk version exists to this day and is usually located in a space preceding any exhibits that feature one of the four classic printing methods (shown below). At the bottom of each screen a thumbnail gallery of some of the more notable creations with each method.