Originally all thirteen colonies had their own copies of The Bill of Rights, plus one Federal copy. Due to circumstances including war, fire and theft only ten original copies remain. One of these copies was discovered at the New York Public Library and is considered by many to be Pennsylvania’s long missing copy. To celebrate the semi-permanent display of this amazing piece of American history, the center hired Chop Shop Studio to come up with an original way for citizens to browse the nation’s founding documents and come to understand the key passages found within each.
LINK TO LIVE SITE: Bill of Rights & The Founding Documents
The interface is currently a part of the Constituting Liberty exhibit website, somewhat buried within the Educational Resources section. There are plans for the tool to become it’s own destination site and will host additional founding documents from the Center’s collection.
Documents Explained
The interface for browsing includes the original text with the actual document image ghosted behind. Key passages automatically highlight as the user scrolls and when clicked, notation appears around the passage to translate the true meaning and history behind the words. See it in action for The Bill of Rights, The Constitution and The Declaration of Independence.
Constituting Liberty Home Page
The main landing page for the exhibit also features a gallery of 10 illustrations for each of the amendments contained within The Bill of Rights. One of which was illustrated by Chop Shop Studio.